I wrote this poem as an assignment
in my junior year in high school. The assignment was to write a love poem and I f you know me at all you know I do not like
love poems and I definitely did not like this assignment that was until I remembered the ultimate LOVE.
There was a man born of Bethlehem,
Born a Jew He didnt eat ham.
Worked with His dad as a carpenter
He heals the sick and walked on water
When He was a boy He preached in the temple
He was human like me, He probably got pimples
Led into the wilderness tempted by Lucifer
It was no trouble for Him to stand firm
When He came out He began His ministry
He said, repent from your sins and you shall
be free
The man didn't mind the devil didn,t like
For He was doing the work of His Father in
He chose His disciples and began His journey
Most were fishers none were attorneys
He went around teaching the good news
To the gentiles, though first to the Jews
He said, God is my Father and I am the son
Some believed, but not every one.
Those who believed brought some with leprosy
Some sick and some that could not see
He healed them all through the power of God
He cast out demons and raised the dead.
He broke all traditions and fulfilled the
He worked on the Sabbath that was the main
The Pharisees accused Him of doing wrong
Blasphemy was the thing they said He had done
Late one night in the garden He prayed
The disciples slept, it was probably a long
He said to God, His Father in Heaven
Please Father not me but not my will but yours
be done.
Then Judas a disciple came with a mob
He betrayed Jesus, the Pharisees said good
Thirty pieces of silver he had on his belt
But ran in shame for guilt he now felt
The man we all call Jesus today
Was handed to the governor Pontius the next
Pontius Pilate saw no wrong in Him
He handed to the crowd the fate of the man
He asked the crowd, who shall I release
The murder Barabus or the man Jesus?
The crowd answered back with anger and wrath
Give us Barabus and crucify he who is left.
So Jesus was whipped and beat on the head
He was unrecognizable and thought to be dead
Jesus carried His cross to the place of the
Fists and spit flew from the human wall.
Jesus fell to the ground weakened and weary
A soldier called to Simon, his cross you will
When Jesus arrived to the place of the skull
All would be forgiven- yes ALL
His hands and feet they nailed to the cross
We were made free because of His
pain on that cross
Then Jesus said with the strength he had left,
Father forgive them they know not what they
He then cried out with his last dying breath,
Into you hands I commit my spirit
The sky fell black and the earth shook
All the sins of the world our savior took
They put Jesus in a rock sealed tomb
And placed a guard for fear Jesus would
rise from the tomb
Three days later two holy angels God sent
The guard that was placed fell to the ground
Jesus our Lord with power and might
Came from the tomb into full sight!
Jesus then visited his disciples for a couple
Then ascended into heaven and will return
For this is the love that we all search for
God gave it to us, but we ignore.
This same Love thats not often found
It is right under our nose, we just turn around
This love that's denied we don't accept
We got it for free, Jesus paid the debt
If you want this love, ask and believe
God will give it to you if you will receive
God gave us this love, we need to take it
But pity on those who do reject it.