If God Was Like Us
The following is an excerpt from the poem footprints with my
own little twist at the end. I imagined what God's response to the man would be after the man asked why there was only one
set of footprints during the hardest times in his life, if God was like us. so read on and praise the Lord that God is not
like us.
One night a man had a dream.
He dreamed he was walking
along the beach with the Lord.
Across the sky flashed scenes
from his life, for each scene,
he noticed two sets of foot-
prints in the sand, one be-
longing to him, and the other
to the Lord. When the last scene
of his life flashed before
him, he looked back at the
footprints in the sand. He
noticed that many times along
the path of his life there was
only one set of footprints. He
also noticed that it happened
at the very lowest and saddest
times in his life. this really
bothered him and he ques-
tioned the Lord about it.
"Lord, you said that once I
decided to follow you, you'd
walk with me all the way. but
I have noticed that during the
most troublesome times in my
life, there is only one set of
footprints. I don't understand
why when I needed you the
most you would leave me."
The Lord replied, "My son,
My precious child, I love you
and I want you to understand
that even though I may have
left you I always remembered
you were there and besides that
things were to tough for
me to stick around, but if you
do take notice son I always
returned when things got better
cause really son how can you expect
me to be with you always.
I mean it doesn't benefit me none it's
always whine whine whine and
ask ask ask can't you ever say
thank you? So I decided to leave
you for a short while off and
because this isn't a life style
any way maybe a weekends and
holidays thing but you can't really
think I am going to stay with you
all day every day. But son never
forget that I love you and I'll
see ya later cause me and Michael
are getting together to watch the
super bowl, so you think you can
handle your own problems
for a while cause I'm run-
ning late so I gotta go bye."
(this is a song I wrote a really long time ago and it seems I did not
make good enough notes about it even for me to understand the exact orders of how I wanted it so I apoligize if it is
not clear.
1. Is everything OK
Will everything be all right?
Can you promise me safety?
Can you protect me tonight?
Daddy are you listening
Cause I need to know
Is everything O.K.
Will everything be all right?
2*I need your help tonight (help me
with this fight)*
3*daddy help me, daddy hold me tight*
4*I need to know am I doing OK
Will everything be alright*
This world is so big and scary
Temptations all round
I want to please you but I fail
Always stumble to the ground
What did I do?
What can I do?
What do I do?
I need your help tonight
I have tried many times
And fail more than succeed
I need your help Jesus
Come and comfort me
What did I do?
What can I do?
What do I do?
Daddy hold me tight
I got back on my horse
And I am running again
This race is not easy
But it will be worth it in the end
What did I do?
What do I do?
What can I do?
Am I doing all right?