Mission Statement:
To use the varying facets of creative arts to be a Hero to the dying world and fight the evil of mediocrity with our every
1. Loving God, Seeking Him both Personally and as a Group.
Loving all People, Never playing Favorites.
3. Going wherever God sends us, wherever the people are.
4. Using our talents and gifts to bring God's word to all.
Hero's Code:
Our Superhero status comes from our faith in God.
We know and Believe that we are nothing without Him, and that through Him all things are possible. We have complete faith
in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and in the Bible as the complete inerrant Word of God. The Bible is our guide,
we live by it, and we deem every word letter and punctuation mark as valuable and unchangeable. Without Faith it is impossible
to please God.
Our FAITH and complete reliance, dependence and belief in scripture
as the truth, produces action and works in us. We believe therefore we live it. We will not conceal our talents and gifts
but will use them. What Good is Superman if he never used his powers? We know that with great power comes great responsibility.
We LIVE our FAITH not just talk about it.
We are who we say we are and we do what we say we will do. We always do the right thing, regardless of feelings and
convenience. We know our actions are the only representation of Christ people see, and seek to reflect Him and not defame
His name. We embrace servanthood and humility, we are nothing without Christ. We keep our word. We are honest. We are consistent.
We are faithful. We take responsibility for our actions and decisions. We do what is right.
Greatest Power is our ability to love. By our Love people will recognize us as Heroes, as children of God. We treat people
with love and respect. We do what we can to meet peoples physical and spiritual needs. We treat all people equally, we will
not be prejudice of anyone. We are committed to each other. We hold each other accountable. We appreciate. We trust. We respect
and protect all people. We encourage. We put others before ourselves. Love for people and love for God will be the driving
force of our ministry.
We demand of ourselves uncompromising quality and strive to be a people who exude with excellence in everything we
do. We work as a team. We are committed to the highest standard of quality. We learn from our mistakes. We have a plan purpose
and vision in all that we do. We do ALL to the glory of GOD!
We dare to dream as big as God dreams. We believe that with God on our side we can and will achieve the impossible.
We give all the glory to God we diligently seek to fulfill his call and purpose. We will not give up, we are determined. We
dream big. We will be a people with a dream and a vision.
The Vision:
is the vision for Average Heroes Ministries to follow the plan and vision set up by M.O.C youth ministries, and to assist
in that ministry with the use and contribution of varying facets of the creative arts, being Drama, Music, Poetry, Video and
any other means available to us. We would like to use these tools available to us to rescue a dying world from the power of
sin and Satan. To battle the attitude of mediocrity and conformity within the Body of Christ. Not only would we like to bring
presentations to the youth Group and congregation of the Peoria Church of the Nazarene, it is also our vision to go to
other churches in the city state and country to minister to them as well, It is also our vision to do some street side evangelism
and use other forms of secular culture to minister to the lost such as radio, TV, Schools etc . . (we do not want
to make recycled Christians nor do we want to fish in the fish farm and shine our lights in our own eyes).
We will do this first and foremost by seeking God in our lives through prayer and Study of Scripture. We will stay committed
to pray for each other and the ministry as a whole. We will practice our parts(or whatever necessary) show up to all practices,
meetings, rehearsals etc. as possible so that our performance and presentation are professional as not to put God's name or
work in a bad light. We will put the needs of others first creating an atmosphere of love wherever we go and whatever we do
remembering to always give our all and to never laugh or make fun of anothers short comings and inabilities. We will participate
in all group activities. We will try. I believe this Group is God ordained and this desire was and is planted in my heart
by God. The failure or success of this team does not depend on how good we act or how cool we are but rather did we give it
our all, did we try did we do it for God! Our spiritual lives will directly influence the success and affect of the performance
over people's lives. As we stay true to God and to His high calling on our lives He will bless us with open doors into other
churches and into the community. God only knows what He has planned for us.
2 Corinthians 5:20
1 Peter 4:17-19
John 3:16
John 17:16-19
Mark 16:15
Romans 10:14