This skit is a job interview for the position of Christ's ambassador there are 5 applicants(more or less if
you want)
1st applicant: A robot it mimics and copies the interviewer.
2nd: A wise old man who thinks
he should be hired because of his experience and wisdom.
3rd: An inntellect who astounds the interviewrer with his
intellect or at least tries too he should be hired because he is a genious possibly the smartest man thet ever lived.
4th: A
body builder holds the title of the worlds strongest man he can lift a car with one hand he should get hired becasue of his
5th: A child, maybe the interviewers son he wants the Job because he wants to be just like his daddy.
is just a general idea use appropriate costumes and dialogue. Notice on several of my ideas I try to stay vague
that is because Ii want you to be creative and customize it according to your group. I find that canned anything doesnt
generally work. Keep it real yo!