- Door to door
- Wear Christian T-Shirts(make sure they have a clear gospel message on them
- Hand out tracts to people in public places
- Fill up a wallet with tracts maybe put a little bit of money and leave in conspicous place for someone to find
- Leave tracts in restroom and in other places
- Rent out a auditorium and preach/ show Jesus film
- Street preach
- Carry a cross
- Bake a cake for the nieghbor
- Put a fruit/gift basket together and include a Bible and some tracts for friend/nieghbor etc . . .
- Drive by witnessing
- Pass out the Jesus film to your friends nieghbors and co workers/ or have a public showing of Jesus film
- Be a friend to someoe that needs one
- Feed a hungry Person
- Chat room witnessing
- Invite friends over for a movie(left behind or other movie with christian message)
- Hold a neighborhood Bible study and BBQ
- Ask friends/ strangers/ Nieghbors/co workers what they think about God/ Bible/ Jesus/ Christianity etc . . .
- Ask them where they will go when they Die
- Volunteer at a nursing home or childrens hospital
- Stand on a busty street corner with a 'Jesus sign'
- 'Jesus picket line'
- Get a band together play in a public place when crowd gathers witness
- Street mimeing
- Street Dramma
- Street Puppet shows
- Make like an old time evangelist and stand on your car hood and proclaim the gospel
- Jesus bumper stickers
- Take your friend/nieghbor out for lunch and talk to them about Jesus
- Invite People to church/ youth Group
- Street preaching (1 on 1 evangelism as oppossed to yelling to everyone at once)
- get a group of friends together go to a public area play 'hacky sack' when more people join share the gospel
- Pass out Bibles
- Rent out a skating rink or other family fun park advertise it to public draw in people and love them and share with them
- Skate/ Bike/ Run for Jesus
- Share your Testimony with others
- Share other peoples testimonies with others
- Be the Best at school/Job/ Home let your achievment be for the glory of God
- Join a christian Club or organization
- Start/ Join a prayer group
- Random Email(Spam people with the gospel)
- Random snail mail( get adresses out of phone book and send people tracts etc
- Crank call for Jesus, call random people sharing the gospel( I actually know a couple of gilrs that did this!)
- Make a flyer/broshure about the true meaning of christmas and hand them out during christmas season
- Do the same thing for valentines day but make this one about the true love of Jesus
- At new years make a fley/broshure dealing with new beginings
- Do same thing on other holidays etc
- Make a christian show for your local public channel in alot of places this is free
- Make a Jesus commercial T.V./ Radio
- Make tapes of sermons hand them out to friends etc . .
- Tapes of Christian Music hand out to friends etc . . .
- Pass out poems etc with gospel message(Take anything from this site you want to just let me know)
- Make a web site
- Get in a parade and promote Jesus
- Do crazy things yell from school balcony etc
- Do prayer walks around the schools and community etc. . .
- See a hurt/sick person and pull a Mark 16:17
- Tell people Jesus is coming back, ask them if they are ready
- Give an encouraging word to cashier at stores or teachers etc
- Bon fire
- Pray for city etc
- Mission trips to mexico etc . . .
- Mission trips to Safeway/ K-mart etc . . .
- Write/call churches to hold revivals/youth rallies
- Secret Gospel Santa
- Halloween harvest party
- Hand out tracts with candy on halloween
- Have a block party
- Use sticky letters to put the gospel message on your car
- Get a movie projector and show the Jesus Film on a side of a building
- Buy a bus
- Start a newsletter
- Carnival for Jesus
- Volunteer to help out church
- Get involved in a ministry/ start a ministry
- Call people from church and check up on them
- Start a prayer chain
- Sponsor a Child
- Stand up in a cafeteria/ restuarant and proclaim the gospel
- Pray4U Ministry(make a commitment to build relationships with people and pray for thier various needs and just sit back
and watch God move.
- www.30KD.org